Divinatio 44, 2017


Editorial: Ivaylo Znepolski, Challenges facing the comparative studies of communism

MAIN TOPIC: Comparative History of Communism in Eastern Europe: Methods and Objects

  • Michael Werner, Compare, Comparison
  • Christoph Boyer, Communist Apparatuses and Regime-Society Relation
  • Pavel Kolář, Transnational and Global History and the Study of Communism
  • Miroslav Novák, Les spécialistes des sciences sociales et les prévisions de la chute des régimes communistes
  • Martin K. Dimitrov, 1989 in China and Eastern Europe in Diachronic Perspective
  • Dieter Segert, Challenges of a Social and Cultural History of the Intellectual Service Classes in Late Socialism (1956-1989)
  • Sabina Mihelj, Comparing Socialist Television Cultures: The “Screening Socialism” Project
  • Jan Skórzyński, The Doctrine of Non-Interference
  • Ádám Takács, System Paradigm and Historical Comparison: The Case of János Kornai’s The Socialist System
  • Tomáš Vilímek , Oldřich Tůma, “Socialist management” in Czechoslovakia – Conflict and Reconciliation
  • Dariusz Stola, State-Society Relationships: Relations from Non-Exit Policy to Socialist Schengen and the Erosion of Control in Transnational Spaces
  • Thomas Lindenberger, Unfit for Comparison? East German State Socialism as a “Case” of Industrial Society


  • Plamen Doynov, The Algorithm of Change
  • Rayna Gavrilova, An Intellectual Postmortem: Bleak, Revolting, and Very Much Needed
  • Georgi Lozanov, Communism and Social Sciences: Resistance as a Struggle for Individual Academic Autonomy. The Magnificent Seven on the Screen of Socialism.
  • Georgi Kapriev, Six Collages after “How Things Change” by Ivaylo Znepolski
  • Ivailo Znepolski, On This Book’s Nature and Objective


  • Stoyan Atanassov, Tzvetan Todorov – In Memoriam
  • Tzvetan Todorov, Deux approches des sciences humaines. Lévi-Strauss et Germaine Tillion


  • Stoyan Atanassov, Le journal d’Edgar Morin