Divinatio 39-40, 201 5

MAIN TOPIC: From the Case Study to the Event. On the Principles of Historical Reasoning

Editorial: Ivaylo Znepolski, Can the Event as a Concept Help us Understand How Things are Happening to us?

DOSSIER: From the Case Study to the Event. On the Principles of Historical Reasoning

  • Jacques Revel, Ce que les historiens font de l’evenement
  • Hartmut Rosa, Das Rasen der Ereignisgeschichte und der Stillstand historischer Bewegung. Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von Sozialen Wandel und Geschichtserfahrung
  • Robert Wagner-Pacifici, A Manifesto for a Quantum Sociology of Events
  • Daniel Dayan, Identifying Events. Chronicling the Performance of News
  • Dimitri Ginev, Ereignis and Chronotope
  • Sophie Wahnich, Genesis and Structure of Historical Events
  • Ádám Takács, The ‘Return of the Event’: Adventures of the Event in Historiographical and Philosophical Discourses since the 1970s
  • Christophe Prochasson, Qu’est-ce qu’un evenement politique ?
  • Ivaylo Znepolski, From the Great Event to Incidents – a Reconstruction of the Event Identity of Historical Change
  • Thomas Lindenberger, Accidents as Incidents: Reading Society through the Violenc/se of Things
  • Dariusz Stola, From Transgressive Micro-Events to Mass Disengagement from the State: International Migrations from Communist Poland

25 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Júlia Sonnevend, ‘Symbol of Hope for a World without Walls’. The Fall of the Berlin Wall as a Global Iconic Event
  • Dariusz Jarosz, Poles and the Collapse of Communism: In Search of a New Paradigm. Not Only Social Resistance and Political Opposition
  • Mihail Gruev, The Bulgarian Transition: an Attempt to Give It Context and Timeframe a Quarter of a Century since It Started
  • Stefan Troebst, Das Andere ’89: Balkanische Antithesen
  • Ivaylo Znepolski, A Memorial Service for the Transition


  • Boyan Znepolski, Autour des debats sur les fondements des sciences sociales et de la critique sociale


  • Stoyan Atanassov, Dialogues de la Bulgarie communiste avec des leaders francophones. Souvenirs d’un interprete