Divinatio 45-46, 2018


Editorial: Ivaylo Znepolski, Structuring of the social in a post-modern world

MAIN TOPIC: Social Construction Mode

I. For a Reflexive Theory of Social Constructivism

  • Cyril Lemieux, Denaturalization of the social world and control by experience: toward a more reflective constructivism
  • Yannick Barthe, How does one become a victim?
  • Edouard Gardellla, Le temps en tant que pratique synchronisante

II. Modes of Constructivism in Historical Science

  • Giovanni Levi, Historians’ constructivism
  • Ádám Takács, La nature historique de la construction sociale
  • Ivaylo Znepolski, Political constructivism and „human nature“

III. Fields of Social Construction

  • Boyan Znepolski, Naturalisme et constructivisme dans la critique sociale radicale
  • Stiliyan Yotov, The morality of naturalism
  • Hristo Todorov, Apology of naivety: how to stand up for the truth in the era of post-truth?
  • Dimitri Ginev, Disclosing and articulating early cubism as a cultural lifeform.


  • Ivaylo Znepolski, De L’individualisme moral relationnel vers un universalisme de l’ideologie de l’humanisme. Deux reflexions sur Tzvetan Todorov
  • Stoyan Atanassov, Le journal d’un penseur de la complexité


  • Daniel Vachkov, The Prague Spring and the end of economic reforms in Bulgaria
  • Michail Gruev, The Bulgarians and the Prague Spring, 1968
  • Plamen Doynov, Culture under suspicion: The Prague Spring and its echoes in Bulgarian literature and culture


  • Boyan Znepolski, Penal authority beyond crime and punishment
  • Momchil Metodiev, Corruption as day-to-day routine
  • Momchil Metodiev, The price of communist modernisation